Alejandro Fuertes's profile

Visual Indetity of AMTV - Degree Final Project

Final Project
Visual Identity of the Autoritat Metropolitana de Transport de València

The AMTV is a real organism that in this work will visually unify:
EMT, city buses mainly. Renaming to Bus Urbà.
Metrovalencia, metro and tram. Renaming to Metro Tramvia.
MetroBus, metropolitan area buses. Renaming to Bus Metropolità.
• Taxi.
Valenbisi, gives service in València capital. Renaming to Bici.
MIBISI, provides service in different locations in the metropolitan area. Renaming to Bici.
Rodalia, Cercanías of València.
The AMTV in this project will act as a common thread between them, creating a coherent identity and communication.
Each symbol of transports creates the brand of AMTV, a flexible brand that responds to the concept of mobility with each of its variants.

This is a sample of the project, 
if you want the complete project, send me a message and I will send the PDF (Spanish).
Visual Indetity of AMTV - Degree Final Project

Visual Indetity of AMTV - Degree Final Project

The Autoritat Metropolitana de Transport de València (AMTV) brings together public transport in a new umbrella brand.
