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which way poster design

Which Way is a project that meant to describe social media and the way it affects our generation and it's reality?

There was that look to social media in the negative or positive term. So people tend to put things in the good or bad, positive or negative and black or white judgments to classify the new things that enter's their lives. And there is always something new (e.g. Inventions, Phenomena, Social and Political changes......Etc) and judgment about it.
Social media is no different. We see it flourishing and becoming more and more 
effective in our daily life; its affect two major aspects politics and how a salesman can reach a customer.

The point that I want to make is that new thing is not good or bad. It just how we use it. In another word: "it depends on how we use it". That is the main idea;  so I designed a poster that works in both ways upside down with two words (Ambigram) describe the relationship between the two ends of the equation in each poster.
.هو مشروع يصف وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي وطريقة تفاعلها مع جيلنا و واقعنا Which way
يتخذ الناس طريقة الابيض والاسود في الحكم على كل ما هو مستجد عليهم ويغير في طريقة عيشهم . لطالما كان هنالك اشياء جديدة ولطالما تكيف الانسان معها.ولا حاجة للحكم على الاشياء بتلك الطريقة. ا 
وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ليست الا من تلك الاشياء الجديدة التي دخلت وغيرت في طريقة عيشنا. النقطة المهمة التي يتوجب علينا ايضاحها هي ان ما يستجد على المجتمع الانساني ليس لا بكيفية استخدامنا له . ا 
which way poster design


which way poster design
