Bri Smith's profile

Fruits and Veggies

1. Understand the Problem

- I will communicate that you can find meaning in everything no matter how seemingly meaningless.
- I am photographing fruits and veggies because they have such detail and each and everyone grows just a little different than the others.
- I'm exploring just how much detail I can get, can I see just as much in the photo as I did in real life.
- I'm not really good at getting good detail in the photo, sometimes I'll end up with just blurry blobs instead of fruits.
2. Research and Investigate

- I need to keep a good distance away and trust the zoom more.
- Don't get too close or it will be fuzzy
-You don't necessarily need to get close or obsessive detail, just find a view that will get people interested.
- Find intrigue in the simple things
- See the simple things as more complex

3. Generate Possible Solutions

- Lighting - Indoor? Outdoor? = Both
- Set up - Cutting? Diced? Funky? Normal? Multiple? Single? = All
- Inspiration - Replicate someone else a little differently? Find my own unique angle? = Originality overrules all

4. Select and Develop the Best Solution

- Camera Stand, Light won't matter AS MUCH
- Cut fruit. leave it whole. Do whatever feels right in the moment to get what will please me the most.
- CLARITY!!!!!
- Be creative. Creativity, add props, use resources. 
- Background, color, texture, pattern, etc.
- Possibilities are endless, so try them all.
- Show ambition, thought, pattern, scattered.

5. Model and Prototype

- These are my raw photos before any editing took place.
6. Test and Evaluate

- The first shoot was kind of boring, but the pictures turned out well, it was just the same subject at different angles.
- The second shoot was a little better, I called it the traveling apple. I called it this because it was the same apple in different locations and then in the final one I cut the apple in half to show that is journey ended, but it's kind of boring, the same subject with different backgrounds.
- For the final shoot I simply took pictures of a garden, but they turned out pretty well. With a diverse subject and background it really stands out and some of the pictures weren't the best, but they still look pretty good, because they're diverse.

7. Produce

- These are the pictures I chose to edit after editing.
- I chose the apple with its reflection and the pea pods to turn in because I believe those 2 came out the best
- I chose the pea pods because they are very detailed, but they don't have a lot of background noise. The post is prominent, but not distracting and the holes in the leaves make it feel more real.
- I chose the apple with its reflection because if it weren't for he tint of the water it would look like I copied and pasted the top on the bottom, which I like that elusion. Though I like how the water changes the reflection, it looks more real, and more like something you could actually find.
Fruits and Veggies

Fruits and Veggies


Creative Fields