       Vagueness is as many as it can’t be measured. Vagueness is infinite. Vagueness is occurring of too many possibilities we can’t specify,  in different settings at the same moment. Now, in this place narratives invite audience to think of vagueness. 
        Vagueness exhibit consists of six narratives. The root idea of the exhibit originates from the novel 1984 by George Orwell. This dystopian world which created by Orwell, has themes such as; creation of a new discourse language by degrading the meanings of the words to a single meaning; equivocacy of the past, present and future; individuals being constantly monitored; that are transformed into six different visual narratives in this exhibition area. Works that are viewed in the exhibit can be seen as graphic narratives which have a conceptional perspective approach to subjects being discussed in the novel 1984 and are also taken inspiration from it.