Matúš Peklanský's profile

Analysis Map of Petržalka Housing Estate

A N A L Y S I S   M A P 
O F    P E T R Z A L K A    H O U S I N G    E S T A T E
Matúš Peklanský
Analysis of Petržalka Housing Estate. Map is a union of many different layers. One layer equals to one deep analysis of one theme (Greenery, Walk, Road infrastructure, Living, Work, Leisure...). Joined all together in this complex drawing.  With purpose of creation base map for Masteplan project design. 

Project see the change of housing estate as collaboration of professional and local inhabitant’s approach. Combination of planning and participation. Masterplan shown, is only part of planning approach. It is not a final resolution. Its a proposition, based on complex and rigorous analysis.
Main objective was, in first way, gaining the knowledge, build a platform for participation and its effective regulation. Knowledge for ideal placement of Vein routes. Concrete Plugin’s function placement. Definition of Uniques. It all was possible through detailed analytic approach. Next it is expected to collide with personal approach.  
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Matus Peklansky
Analysis Map of Petržalka Housing Estate