It's funny how we can behave completely differently in different situations. There are certain people who bring out the best in you; you feel nice with them, uplifted and alive, but then there's also certain people with whom you can have the completely opposite experience.

Same goes with experiences as such. In certain situations you might act out aggressively, calmly, nervously, happily etc. etc. etc... We all like to believe we are our true selves all of the time. We are who we are and we manifest that no matter the circumstances. But the truth is we transform and morph all the time, sometimes even drastically, without even noticing most of the time. Interestingly, it is that ability to adapt which kept us alive. 

As Darwin said: 
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change."



It's funny how we can behave completely differently in different situations. There are certain people who bring out the best in you; you feel nic Read More
