When I was working at Echo Bridge, they acquired the distribution rights to a lot of spaghetti western movies. I was particularly exited to work on this project because spaghetti westerns have a really unique flavor to them. Who would have guessed Italian people would have made some of the best movies about the American West?

When I initially read the list of titles we were acquiring to pick which titles, I noticed that some of them had "Django" in the title. This excited me a lot because I knew that Quentin Tarantino (who's movies I love) was coming out with a movie later that year called "Django Unchained." Upon further investigation, I found out that there was a spaghetti western in 1966 called "Django" that became an underground cult hit for being incredibly violent and awesome. I also found out that this spawned over 30 unauthorized movies that also featured the title character of "Django," but always played by a different actor. The movies that I worked on are two of those unauthorized sequels.

Most movies will often have some sort of "media kit" or at least a few photos that we can use to create the artwork, but the downside with working with some older movies is that they usually don't come with high resolution images, or really any assets at all to use for a redesign. So, that usually means using screenshots from the movie, which usually don't look as good, so please forgive any low-quality images you see.

Overall, I really enjoyed watching and working on these two movies (particularly Viva! Django). It really took me on a fun little journey through a niché part of history that I still think about often. 

The title song from "Viva! Django" is the main sample from the hit song "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley.
Full DVD wrap for "Viva! Django"
Full DVD wrap for "Some Dollars for Django"
I also did some alternate posters for the two movies inspired by the vintage style of the teaser poster for Django Unchained.


These are redesigns for two "Django" movies that I designed.


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