Randall Parrish's profile

Magazine Redesign - Outdoor Photographer

Outdoor Photographer Redesign

Selected pages from my redesign of the magazine Outdoor Photographer. I chose to work on this magazine because I felt that it did not properly tailor to its readership with significant emphasis on powerful imagery. I felt that the magazine should be cleaner, lighter, and more driven by it's namesake.
Cover option 1
Each issue has two "covers," the image of the right extends as far as the magazine's display title, and can be removed (left) to leave a much more type-recessive cover for the owner.
Cover option 2
Cover option 3
Table of Contents
Lens Reviews
Briefs: Top Photographers
Feature opener
Feature Opener
Magazine Redesign - Outdoor Photographer

Magazine Redesign - Outdoor Photographer

Redesign of the magazine Outdoor Photographer.
