The series of illustrations show imaginary game titles related to different story lines. 

The drawings are based on a concept of a game (Transformice) where the goal for the player (which is a mouse character) is to bring cheese to the hole. In the game each player can achieve a certain title if they have done a particular task. Here the characters are placed in a storyline which follows the specific imaginary title. 

''Not Jelly!'' is about a stubborn mouse who spots her friend gazing at another charming mouse sitting on a branch. Though, Not Jelly has her own charming attitude and because of that they have achieved the title ''Not Jelly!'' as if they wouldn't care about their crush having an affection to another mouse.
''Hypnosouris'' comes from a two word combination - hypnosis & souris (French: mouse). The mouse is hypnotised by the smell of the cheese in a store. In the illustration the small store is open, though in the following concept drawing/sketch it is shown that the store is closed once Hypnosouris arrives to get the fragrant cheese. While Hypnosouris is following the scent, another mouse whose title probably would be ''Deliberate'' is trying to get the cheese from the tree (as if the cheese would grow in trees in this fantasy).
The following drawing is a map which was made suitable for the gameplay on a Children's Day event in 2016. In Transformice gameplay players were able to use the map as a playground with specific tasks to achieve in it, for an example, in the room full of books the purpose was to place the books in the shelves, or in the dancing lesson room players were supposed to dance particular moves to achieve the goal. 

Get That Cheese!

Get That Cheese!

Project contains illustrations that are based on a concept of a game. The illustrations are drawn early in 2016.
