Hannah Taylor's profile

The Deer Hunter - Image and Word

For this project, I took over 60 photos of a subject using different light, angles, and backgrounds. From those photos, I selected one to use for a book cover. After surveying many people, this was the photo that I ended up selecting. I chose the title The Deer Hunter based on feedback that was given in the survey.

The story line itself is very detailed, cruel, and dark. It definitely isn’t one that I would choose to read or watch. However, I am sure that there are many who have served in the war and felt like the deer in the photo; Cast aside, neglected, dirty, dark, or whatever it may be. I had a desire to represent all of those feelings in one photo for the book cover.
The Deer Hunter - Image and Word

The Deer Hunter - Image and Word

Image and Word project for ART 235 at BYUI
