Krake Festival is an annual Berlin based festival for challenging electronic music. Krake means octopus and the Festival is organised in a comparable way: reaching out to selected locations during one week presenting the best in electronic music, whatever style it is. The festival is of international scale but at the same time intimate and familiar, it does not have big sponsoring deals or different colour area passes, it’s a festival which puts the focus on artists who dare to step o the beaten tracks and stay true to themselves.
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This summer the festival will take place for the 8th time and as continuation of the previous edition Geso's art direction take the same concept from last year and push it into a new combination of abstract creatures and glitches. As last year project, this new edition included the production of a video teaser and a trailer, all the printed communication (posters, flyers, etc.) as well as the online promotion.
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Final trailer:
Official posters:
Printed ad for magazines:
Flyer / Postcard / Ticket / Vertical Poster / Program:
Alternative versions for the main poster:
First announcement – Video teaser:
Facebook communication – covers and web-flyers:

Thanks for watching ^__^

Krake Festival 2017

Krake Festival 2017
