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ELON MUSK: a scifi art project

ELON MUSK: A science fiction art project
In a not so distant future: Earth has been taken over by advanced A.I machines enslaving humans. The rebellion, when formed was led by Elon Musk who was eventually captured and subjected to mutation experiments like many others. When the word came about that their leader did not make it, the rebellion lost all hopes of victory and survived in hideouts. Years passed and the population of humans shrunk to less than half.

Now, a handful of rebels continue to observe the machines and thwart their operations. A week ago, the rebel surveillance squad took notice of a breakout from site 50 and specifically from the mutant lab inside. The squad went on a sweep to see if a human had made it out of the lab. They saw a blinding flash of blue light and followed it, as they crept closer they saw the shape of a man who's head was covered in some form of electric charges. They moved closer in caution and just about then they saw the him.. it was Elon..! The rumors were true, Elon Musk was alive! He stood there weak and panting, he had blood on his face, and the mutation seemed to have given him powers.. but he looked unstable and sick.. something was wrong.. What did they do to him? Can he be trusted? Is the squad in danger now?

I did this artwork on top of a blurry photo of a mannequin in a slot machine.. here are the two images side by side.
ELON MUSK: a scifi art project

ELON MUSK: a scifi art project

In a not so distant future: Earth has been taken over by advanced A.I machines enslaving humans. The rebellion, when formed was led by Elon Musk Read More
