Tawny or Fulvous Daylilies, Waltham Massachusetts
In early summer we see masses of daylilies everywhere. It should come as no surprise; they are the landscaper's dream. Reliable perennials, they thrive under almost all conditions, require little maintenance, and provide masses of color with fresh new blossoms every day. 

The daylilies shown here are known as "tawny" or "fulvous." There are some 80,000 daylily cultivars, a testament to their popularity. Some sport a beautiful, deep red, but they are relatively rare. The most common, by far, are yellow. Daylilies usually open first thing in the morning. By the time I shot these, late in the day, they were already showing signs of wear on the edges.


Tawny or Fulvous Daylilies
