Helen Johnston's profile

Online Course Calendar Learning and Development

City of Burnaby Online Training Calendar
Learning and Development

A collaboration between the Web Development, IT Training, and Human Resources teams within the organization. 

The team streamlined and combined two separate training calendars into a single microsite, accessible through the organisation's Intranet.

Through this system Learning and Development were able to create a better user experience for employees when reviewing internal development options.

It was also possible to introduce 'collections' of courses relevant to different employee groups within the organization (e.g. leaders at different levels) in a logical way that would otherwise be too cluttered within a multi-page book format.
Previous HR and IT Course Calendars

Davy Chiu - backend development
Renée Mak - UX/UI design, front-end development
Connie Lee - front-end development
Stephanie Wren - SME
Helen Johnston - SME

Online Course Calendar Learning and Development

Online Course Calendar Learning and Development
