The smooth sand under my body felt cool as I laid down to let all the worry and exhaustion slip out. I breathed in and out as I smelled the salty air and let it colour my spirit. I could hear the fire crackling as it consumed the wood with passion and the waves played hide and seek as they planted hushed kisses to the shore. I felt the wind play with my hair and my eyes reflected the setting sun, bowing as its forehead touch the ocean. While the waters prayed for sun to come again and to bless them with its beauty. I laid until the fire had consumed the wood and could love it no more, the wood allowed itself to be used so the fire would lit up with joy. "Such is the short period of love.", I thought. "Lust.", he corrected me. I looked back in astonishment as I heard him. He always knew what I had in mind. "Love is what is between the sun and the waters, never fails." He softly spoke into my ear as he lightly kissed my jaw while moving my long, luscious hair in the front. "So, what are we? The fire or the waters?" I asked him with a smile as he tightened his embrace around me. "We are what lies beyond the fire and waters. If we were the fire, we'd be the phoenix. If we were the waters, we'd never let night come." He replied as I melted into his soft touch and got lost into his scent of coffee beans.
Lust or Love?

Lust or Love?


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