熱血荒源|Steamblood Blood donation event



Due to the stale brand image design of blood donation and non-effective system in publicity, the importance of constant blood donation are ignored by public, numbers of blood donations and the blood bank inventory both decrease in Taiwan recent years. But once major casualties occur, Taiwanese are willing to help. 

We redesigned blood donation brand image, created a steam punk style virtual world which use blood as an irreplaceable energy, symbolizes the importance of blood in our body. We use blue, red and white as main color. Blue: vast, noble, hope; red: blood, positive, fraternity; white: pure, health, technology. Blood donation car is the center of event, with peripheral booths, and each booth has different blood donation-related games, participants can realize the importance of blood donation from activities, and encouraging people develop the habit of constant blood donation.
熱血荒源 - 「熱血」-「血荒」-「能源」這是我們三個最主要的概念。 
熱血一詞是現時台灣捐血活動常用的形容,為了增加活動名稱的親切感,我們繼續沿用熱血一詞;血荒,是指缺乏血的危機; 能源一詞則是我們為這個遊戲所定立的背景故事最重要的概念—以血液作為世界運作的能源, 同時「荒」一字也表達出缺少血液的逼切感,作為鼓勵人們參與的原因。

The name Steamblood is referring the steampunk style we chose for the event. The reason we use steampunk as our main style is to explain the importance of blood in the background story. Blood is the main subject we need to present in the event designed and also make it seems like an attractive role-playing game.
這是一個以蒸汽龐克為主題的捐血活動,我們創造了一個虛擬世界作為故事背景。人體的血液,就像是世界能源般重要, 沒有任何東西能取代血液在人體擔當的角色。透過捐血車為中心網絡點,連繫周邊各種設置與捐血有關的攤位, 每個攤位有著不同的遊戲任務,也可能是一個休憩用地,希望參與者可以從在不同的任務及活動之中,更加了解捐血的重要, 藉此鼓勵民眾養成恆常捐血的習慣。 

This is a steam punk theme of blood donation event, we have created a virtual world as the story background. Human blood, as important as the world's energy, nothing can replace the role of blood in the human body. Through the blood donation car as the center network point, with a variety of peripheral settings and blood donation-related stalls, each booth has a different game tasks, it maybe a resting place, hope that the participants from different tasks and activities, to make people more understanding of the importance of blood donation, to people to develop a habit of constant blood donation.
場刊除了介紹了活動內容,故事世界背景以及活動地圖, 場刊中更有仔細的任務內容及隱藏任務的提示供參加者發掘。

The pamphlet introduces the contents of the event, the background story, the world background and the map of the event. The pamphlet also introduces the details of the mission and some hints of the hidden tasks for the participants to explore. so that participants can be helped by the pamphlet, enjoy the activities easily.

This collection is used to convey knowledge about blood. 
For example:"Once donated, samples of blood have a shelf life of thirty five days, therefore in order to maintain sufficient inventory, blood banks are dependent on regular blood donors!" ,"Blood still can not be replaced by artificial blood products or artifacts, your blood will be an important pillar supporting the continuation of life in others.", The poster is designed to impress upon people the importance of blood donation, and encourage people's desire to donate blood.
尋找細菌遊戲,是由玩家協助白血球在尋找在人體圖中隱藏的細菌。 帶出血液中白血球的功用,是保衛身體不受外來者所感染,並會為拚死與之戰鬥。 
迷宮遊戲,玩家要從心臟出發,經過迷宮把血液送到大腦。 帶出人的每一次心跳,心臟輸出的血液,有20%送往大腦,帶有生存所必需的氧氣。 在兩個圖中不同的人體器官,都用了蒸汽朋克的風格以切合主題。 

Postcards with two paper games to illustrate the function and importance of blood in the body: 
Game ‘finding bacterias’, player need to help the white blood cells in the search for hidden bacterias inside the human body map. Aims to bring out the function of white blood cells in blood, is defending our body from bacterias infected, and fighting for us when there are bacterias infected. 
Game ‘Heart to Brain Maze’, player start from the heart, help bringing the blood through the maze to the brain. It’s aim to bring out our every heartbeat, 20% of the blood output, is sent to the brain with the necessary oxygen to survive. Both paper game are using the steampunk style in meeting the theme.
任務卡是當參加者參與活動時,當完成一個任務時便會得到一張卡, 當成功收集一定的任務卡,便可以換取獎勵。

When the participants complete a task in the events, they will be given a mission card. When the participants successfully collect certain mission cards, they can exchange for rewards. In the activities and tasks will be inserted with blood-related knowledge, in order to improve the participants of the blood donation consciousness.
捐血卡用以紀錄捐血者的資料,令捐血中心可以追蹤捐血者的健康紀錄, 也令捐血者再次捐血時可以節省填寫資料的時間。

Blood donation card used to record the information of blood donors, so that blood donation center can track the health records of blood donors, but also to blood donors once again blood donation can save time to fill in the information. Blood donation card also has a set card, to encourage blood donors to donate blood regularly in exchange for rewards.

blood donation event REDESIGN
Red dot Design Award 2017 - Best of the best.
Golden Pin Design Award 2017 - Young Pin Design Award, Finalists.
A-plus Creative Festival 2017- Visual Communication Design, Finalists.

Naldo Wong - Creative Direction, Visual Identity, Graphic Design, Illustrations
Winnie Luk - Event Planning, Graphic Design
Samuel Lee - Games Planning, Illustration
Sheridan Lee - Graphic Design, Illustration

Special thanks :: Kueito Wang
thank you.
熱血荒源|Steamblood Blood donation event

熱血荒源|Steamblood Blood donation event

We redesigned blood donation brand image, created a steam punk style virtual world which use blood as an irreplaceable energy, symbolizes the imp Read More
