sudha palepu's profile

Type, Mind & Paper - 36 Days of Type

Type, Mind & Paper

These are my typographic explorations for the project 36 Days of Type, 2017. 
This was my first participation in the annual project for which I decided to take the handmade route to my design outputs.

I based my type design expressions on the workings of the human mind, and its way of perceiving the world.
The following are the alphabets that I was able to explore, 
and I made these all ( but for one) using paper, cutter, glue, inks and light. 
Enlighten, Forget, Gravity/God, Hindsight

Intent, Juggle, Persevere, Quizzical

 Realm, Sense, Temperament, Understand(or not)

O for Observe

G for Gravity/God

R for Realm

Type, Mind & Paper - 36 Days of Type


Type, Mind & Paper - 36 Days of Type

Making Types with the Mind and Paper
