11 Seconds Club MLT
This is the final playblast of a short 11 second film to study animation using a vocal track and lip syncing to that track. The tool used here was Autodesk Maya.
This is the Performance Keys 
Mechanical Keys
Source Film Maker 
This is another study using Source FilmMaker. The idea behind this was loosely based on the film "The Mummy" using the basic assets to set up a scenario with a hungry possessed Heavy. This wasn't only a study in the use of Source, but in audio video and animation as well.
Boxes and Ball Bounce
This is a study of a ball being tossed at a pile of boxes. It was to demonstrate the squash and stretch but also the physics of collisions against a soft object, such as cardboard boxes. 
Musical Ball
This was a study of again another ball but this time dancing to an audio track, if a ball could dance that is. It was to demonstrate the squash and stretch of the ball as well as timing it to a beat. 
Maze Animation
This was another study using once more our famous ball. This study focused at navigating a maze with slow ins and slow outs as it prepared to curve around the corners of the maze.
3D Animation

3D Animation

These are my works as studies in Animation. They including studies of squash and stretch, audio video and vocals, as well as breaking down animat Read More
