Tomatobees resemble cherry tomatoes and enjoy buzzing around real tomato vines and slurping up dew off the leaves. They make a small "hmm-bzz" sound and are friendly with most other critters.

Beaniedogs resemble puppies with leaf ears and bean sprout tails. 
They bark with a little "berf berf" sound when they are happy and spend a lot of time rolling in dirt and soil. 
Farrots are a bit shy and can be found nesting underground near real carrot patches. Be careful that you do not actually pull out a farrot by mistake! They will let you know with a small "meep!" if you do.

Cheesecats resemble cubes of cheese and reside mostly in cabinets and pantries where they feed on dropped cracker crumbs. Some varieties may also nest in the dairy drawer of a refrigerator.
Critter Designs

Critter Designs

Friendly, food-like critters who love to make new friends. Please don't eat them, they aren't food!
