Imagine and Generate
What if art could recycle and make use of garbage in order to raise awareness about the issue? I extracted many ideas from pinterest and youtube videos about resin casting. 
Explore and Experiment
Tic Tac Test and Hot Glue Test are pictured above. The tic tac cast test was performed to see how easily plastic containers would release from cured resin. I also wanted to test how suspended particles would appear or react with the liquid resin. The test was beyond successful as the resin was cast beautifully and the box was very simply removed by tearing it off. The suspended particles also reacted well because they didn't just all sink or float which was a possibility. The second test was the hot glue gun test, this was a test to see if casting and making a figure out of hot glue was plausible. This test revealed that hot glue dried way too opaque and a mold could not be cast out of this either because of the difficulty working with the material. 
Reflect and Evaluate


