This is my thesis project for my bachelor in Industrial Product Design. I did an internship at Hovac Belgium; market leader in Belgium in the field of insulating jugs. This project was a collaboration between Hovac Belgium, Howest and me.

A travel mug is a useful product which is used by a growing number of people, to enjoy their favorite hot drink on the road. When the mug is empty and has to be stored away, it takes up a lot of room in the bag of the user. He perceives this as wasted space as the empty mug no longer serves it's purpose.

Because of this, a lot of people are hesitant in buying a travel mug. They prefer to buy coffee in a disposable cup, which adds to the growing waste dumps.

That's why I designed the IX; a convenient, collapsible travel mug which keeps your drinks hot with a soft fleece sleeve. When your mug is empty, you can easily collaps it and store it away.
In the image below you can see how the IX collapses.
I made a working prototype as you can see in the pictures below.


Collapsible travel mug for a unique coffee experience
