graphite & watercolor
9 x 12 canson paper
This was the first thing that my hands ever created for 2016. I loved badlands so much.
I’m claiming it, my work’s not as good as valerie chua’s nor agnes cecile’s & it’s totally light years from vin quilop’s, but if there’s one thing I’d claim without reservations, then it would be the lingering passion left in me. For the first time in a very long while, I was finally happy in what I’m doing. I was finally in zone while holding a medium, which i never was in the past few months. I can’t word out how almost losing my passion practically destroyed my whole being; how I nearly lost myself and my love for illustrating the previous semester, how i neglected all that i adored so much. I am enlightened that finally after all those breakdowns and reveries, there’s still this part of me who loved drawing. It really feels good to create something without feeling the need to be graded, subjectively. 



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