this is my next build, again a BYOC kit. this time it is the DOD 440 envelope filter, with a few mods.
BYOC included a toggle to disable the envelope, and instead have the filter act at a constant "Q", as defined by one of the pots.
i thought this was pretty sweet and useful so i put that mod on a footswitch instead. the LED changes colour when the Q is engaged.

the two extra switches are just different filter caps inside the envelope, which change the tone a bit. the switch on the far right changes a cap which is supposed to alter the rate of the swell, but i found this mod to be very mild, and probably not worth doing.
this is the second box i ever etched, and man. it's still pretty crappy.
summer 2009
ii. DOD 440

ii. DOD 440

envelope filter clone from a kit, with a few mods
