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Urban Play App: Come out & Play

The aim is to create games that allow kids to interact with other kids. 

The game aims at players age 8 and above. 

The game is designed to revive street games using location based augmented reality to collect virtual items with physical activity in an urban setting playground, open space and building.

There is a trend that urban kids are more interested in gadgets such as iPhone or consoles games and choose a sedentary lifestyle or becoming increasingly aloof. 

Most of the children today prefer to stay indoors and play on their gaming consoles instead of the traditional outdoor games like hide and seek. (Saloni Bhatia, ‘All TV, no play’, 08 October 2011)

Augmented Reality can be used to engage users as it appeals to human inborn nature of curiosity and playfulness. 

Some of the questions worth investigating are:
• Will the use of AR technology encourage kids to play with each other and thus increase physical interaction?
• Will the use of AR technology encourage kids to have fun in an outdoor environment?
• Will the use of AR technology reinforce the notion of ‘safety first’ at play?
• Will the use of AR technology revive street games such as hide-and seek in an urban jungle?

I have invited friends with kids age 8-12 via Facebook messenger to complete the survey on Typeform. http://bit.ly/2qtV8Zs They are in Australia, Vietnam and Singapore.

Personas represent users' behaviour, goals and expectations. Scenarios describe the experience that I'm creating, it shows what happens in the user's context and flow of story. I create a user flow and wireframe in Adobe Xd to test the experience of a child in using Urban Play app https://adobe.ly/2palJXh

High fidelity prototype https://marvelapp.com/231867c/screen/28088276
clickable prototype  https://marvelapp.com/231867c/screen/28088276
Urban Play App: Come out & Play

Urban Play App: Come out & Play

AIM OF THE MOBILE APP The aim is to create games that allow kids to interact with other kids. The game aims at players age 8 and above. The g Read More
