Sài Gòn 3 mét vuông

Sometimes I wonder while walking in the midst of busy Saigon:
 "How would city look like in 30 more years? Those used to be a part of our daily life like street food stands, xe om...
would they remain the same, or fade away to leave room for something new coming?
What if in the next 30 years, our children wouldn't know much about those used-to-be popular street stands or xe om. Imagined the only way for them to learn about the city's remarkable culture was from some museums within a limited 3 meter space."
Creative Director: Maxk Nguyễn
Art Director: Đỗ Thái Thanh
Typography: Quốc Dũng
Illustrator Artist: Phong Võ, Hiia Huỳnh, Thinh Le, Min Non, Hoàng Thạch, Hữu Danh
Font: Nguyễn Thế Mạnh
Sài Gòn 3 mét vuông