day 1. Two kids were decorating father's hair with fallen sakura flowers. 
day 2. A boy with nintendo and a yellow backpack near Hiroshima Station. 
day 3. Having a hard time cycling up the hill in the rain.
day 4. Went to buy some coffee in a local store called "Haruya coffee", where you can get freshly roasted beans. Brought my canvas bag with me and got the beans directly into it. I try to produce less waste and feel so much happier when I buy things without packaging
day 5. Two women and a street cat. 
day 6. A crow on a dead tree
day 7. Visiting my favorite bakery called "Derien". Bought a chocolate bread and a half of a whole wheat one. So I also got a small white bread as a present
day 8. Long-haired girl on a pink bicycle 
day 9. A very old man I saw. Several times he was entering a little house, then he brought newspapers and carefully put them in a plastic bag. Then he cleaned his shoes. While I was unsuccessfully waiting for him to show his face I was watching different plants around me and here I've drawn some of them. 
day 10. Little egret and two ducks. This little egret had two long plumes on his head which means it's a breeding season
day 11.  A very kind veterinarian is doing vaccinations for my cats. 
day 12. Rainy day sketching.
day 13. Sunny day sketching.
day 14. A local charity concert.
day 15. Visiting japanese Lush. It was nice actually (and i bought the cheapest one, hehehe). Lush makes me impossible not to love them because their products are: 1. not tested on animals; 2. mostly vegan; 3. handmade; 4. can be bought unpackeged.
day 16. Today, for the first time in my life, I saw a wild japanese weasel! I was walking my usual way from home, when I saw someone looking into my eyes. It was this little creature, and I read it's very rare to see him during daytime, so I am very lucky!
day 17. In Hiroshima peace park. While drawing this, a friend with her son was passing by on the bicycle - I put her small silhouette on the back
day 18. An old hunchbacked woman with a hat and a triangular busket full of some sticks and leaves.
day 19. Today I was listening to uguisu - a japanese bird. It sings almost all day long in the forest near my house, but the best time is early morning - you can hear it's cosmic singing not distructed with city noise. It's absolutely magnificent song, and I totally understand why so many japanese poems have been dedicated to it.
Hiroshima diary


Hiroshima diary

Personal project about my relationship with Hiroshima city.
