An essay and graphic novel.
Part I of this project is an essay on the Expressionist movement, focussing particularly onĀ Oskar Kokoschka, Egon Schiele and Edvard Munch, and how these artists treated the themes of the female, theĀ subconsciousĀ and deathĀ in their work. The essay includes photocopied images of art works and film stills, as well as photocopied, hand-written and typed text.
Part II of Melancholia is a graphic novelĀ presented as a pair of booklets. It is the story of a failed romance. The first booklet presents the story from the perspective of the man, and the second, from the perspective of the woman.Ā Both incorporate selectedĀ works by Edvard Munch, which are drawn into a narrative sequence by intermediate hand-drawn illustrations.
supervision: Pantelis Tsavalos, Vakalo Art & Design College
book-binding: Evangelia BizaĀ []


An essay and graphic novel
