Hùng Key's profile

Genius Loci, Illustration

Genius Loci is an ancient Roman word which can be understood as “protective spirit of a place.” From my point of view, 6 wild animals with their distinctive characteristic are chosen to capture the atmosphere of 6 famous destinations in Vietnam: Vung Tau, Ho Chi Minh, Da Lat, Hue, Hoi An, and Ha Noi. They carry these landmarks on their bodies and turn into a part of the places. In other words, they become a coherent whole.

This series was done in 2015 when I applied to Lasalle College of the Arts Singapore.
V Ũ N G   T À U
H Ồ   C H Í   M I N H
Đ À   L Ạ T
H Ộ I   A N
H À   N Ộ I
Genius Loci, Illustration


Genius Loci, Illustration


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