Week Fourteen
During this week of construction class, we started learning how to use a new software called SolidWorks. I learned how to draw 2D shapes and then make them 3D through the 'extrude' tool, along with how to move them around. I was also able to learn how to create a base to put shapes on top of, and how to change the dimensions of it to make it larger or smaller. Another cool feature that I used on this software was the draft tool and I also coloured the shapes to make them differentiate. I also learned how to utilize another feature called 'fillet' to make curved corners. However, I struggled with making and duplicating windows using the linear pattern tool and I would like to practice more to improve my skills. Lastly, we also focused on sketching this week and I was introduced to a tool on Sketchbook Pro that allowed me to make precise and sharp curves. 
Week Fourteen

Week Fourteen
