Sara and Alfred

I was requested to do the character design of two of Tony Hernández's characters, from his upcoming comic West White, both of them are the parents of her protagonist: Elinor.

The job was easy, just to develop them in their young years, as a teens -when the first met- and then, as an adults.
As a result, I developed two concepts about their life, going with the input of the story, which is a horror one. I do take a lot of horror culture references and a lot of what the creator had imagined for them to be.
Get yourself to meet Sara, Elinor's Mother. Sara was always a bad ass girl. Yes, she was the main guitarist of her band Gun-machine Leg. Always carrying her guitar and not her backpack, Sara fell in love with a nerd: Alfred
Sara and Alfred when they first met. Both of them were in the same school, but they had never met each other 'till that night. Sara's band had a concert on that horrible bar, and Alfred was (abducted) dragged there by his nerd friends, who, yes, they just wanted to be popular. Anyway, even against his will, Alfred got to meet Sara.
And why would a bad ass girl would feel in love with this tiny, nerd man? Because he's not trying to be anyone else, but himself.

And stay tuned for more West White news!
Sara & Alfred

Sara & Alfred

Character design and concept illustrations for West White comic.
