An interactive publication, in the form of a web project, which unfolds in three parts. POLY is a corporation which provides you with extreme customisation in all aspects of life. Is everything what it appears to be? And what issues arise?

Discover the password and link in each “level” to progress to the next one and unlock important information. 
Construct Your Own Version Of Reality
By selecting the elements you want and ignoring the ones you don’t, you create a singular version of the world which is tailored for you.

Hide people you want to avoid, make yourself invisible to them, overlay buildings and objects with visualisations, get information and directions about anything, even affect the perception of the weather by changing the brightness and colour balance. This way you focus your energy and time on the elements that matter to you. Unpleasant situations are left out. 
In Life and In Death
“The goal isn`t to live forever, the goal isto create something that will” (Chuck Palahniuks).
Physical death is an inevitability. But what constitutes the core of a person? Is it not his/her thoughts, beliefs, image and history? I keep a record of your loved ones. All the beautiful manifestations of their personality are still here. And after they pass away, an artificial intelligence module can use that to keep their memory alive. You can even communicate with it and receive replies.

The Peaceful Approach
We never predicted this. Unconventional action was needed
There is no point in “regretting” what is simply human nature.
“Purity” is an unnatural concept. People are neither naturally good nor evil.
Even kindness results from a complicated set
of psychological mechanisms. 


Interactive publication in the form of a web project.
