Armina (Mina) Menor's profile

CONCEPTING: CoAqua Advertising Campaign

Concepting, Art Direction, Copywriting
Introduction to Advertising class | 2014
Photoshop CC, Illustrator CC
What is it?
An advertising campaign to create noise for the CoAqua (pure coconut water brand) before it hits the HK market.

The Challenge
The objective of this advertising campaign is to create brand awareness and out-of-the-box marketing. The target audience are females aged 20-30 years. The key takeaways for the product is that the coconut water is all natural, and the natural sugars will give one a lift.

The Idea
To cater to the millennial target audience, I played with the idea of the product being a “natural pick-me-up,” using cheesy pick-up lines. The art direction induces a clean, playful, yet slightly humorous look while staying true to the brand image.

CONCEPTING: CoAqua Advertising Campaign

CONCEPTING: CoAqua Advertising Campaign

An advertising campaign to create noise for the CoAqua (pure coconut water brand) before it hits the HK market.
