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Indiegogo Report

Indiegogo Report: Is Legit?
Indiegogo is becoming the #1 was for entrepreneurs to launch a new business. When banks aren’t lending, it leaves entrepreneurs with few options. Luckily technology allows first time entrepreneurs or seasoned bros with the ability to crowdfund their new venture.

Crowdfunding allows people to raise funds without the risk of a loan or giving up equity with investors. The only thing a crowdfunder needs to be successful is a good idea and the right promotion to make it happen. Platforms like Indiegogo allow everyone to access millions of people to get their ideas funding. Most crowdfunders can easily create a project, but when it comes to actually promoting that Indiegogo campaign it can be difficult.

Indiegogo crowdfunding services offer some crowdfunders a beacon of hope. In 2014, Indiegogo campaigns were 4 times as likely to be successful if they used a good crowdfunding service. Of the crowdfunders in the study, 48% reported that services like 10XCrowdfunding System were “crucial” in making their project successful. 10X Crowdfunding helps you connect with the Indiegogo community and get more funding. It is great for first time crowdfunders who may be new to the process of crowdfunding. Among first time crowdfunders questioned, 82% reported that 10XCrowdfunding System was “a huge factor” in their overall funding levels they received from the Indiegogo audience.

Crowdfunding services like 10XCrowdfunding System have been helping crowdfunders on Indiegogo for several years. However, they aren’t the only one. There is also PR services, social media promotion, Twitter marketing, and Facebook marketing services. Although each type of service may have its merits, crowdfunders on Indiegogo over whelmingy chose the services from to handle most of their promotions. They are also very cost effective compared to other services available online.

Why is the 10XCrowdfunding System so beloved by crowdfunders using Indiegogo? There may be more to it than meets the eye. The average Indiegogo project receives more than half of their overall funding from crowdfunders within the Indiegogo audience using the platform. That number is almost twice the amount raised by Kickstarter projects and the Kickstarter audiences. That’s why the 10XCrowdfunding System has been so effective in getting their clients results, and thus have positive rating for the service.

Other crowdfunding services use a generic method for targeting “potential crowdfunders”. That’s the special sauce of the 10XCrowdfunding System; they only target active crowdfunders who like to support Indiegogo projects. They focus on the cream of the crop, not just everyone they can. This allows the 10X Crowdfunding team to reach out to less people but have better overall results in terms of more funding. It’s a very unique and smart marketing strategy that any Indiegogo campaign can benefit from.

Every crowdfunding project is different and has its own unique marketing and funding needs. For example, some projects are just trying to raise a few thousand dollars from friends and family, while others have more ambitious goals. The main thing that you need to ask yourself, is can your crowdfunding campaign benefit from reaching more active crowdfunders on Indiegogo? If the answer is yes, then you need to explore the 10XCrowdfunding System option. However, if you are already getting overwhelming support from the Indiegogo users in terms of funding, then you may want to reach a more general audience with some other generic promotion service.

This year alone thousands of crowdfunding projects have benefited from the 10XCrowdfunding System for the simple fact that they are trying to reach more Indiegogo users. A number of projects other enlist more general promotion services as well. As crowdfunding becomes more popular, the need for services like the 10X Crowdfunding will only increase. Every project is competing for the attention of crowdfunders and must get their attention. The expertise of the 10X Crowdfunding team will soon be as essential to a successful project as a crowdfunding video and other things that would once considered a bonus to a crowdfunding campaign.

To ensure that you get the best help for your crowdfunding project we recommend discussing your funding and marketing needs with the services directly. Always call a service and check their website before enrolling into any program. The team at 10X Crowdfunding is especially helpful when reviewing your project. The 10X Crowdfunding reviews your project to make sure its perfect fit for your needs. To learn more about their services and past success to directly to their website or google more reviews.
Indiegogo Report

Indiegogo Report


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