Blue-Skye Spence's profile

Spatial Design - 3rd Year

Spatial Design

We were split into groups, given a time period to research, and brief plot points.
We were required to expand our story, research the time period, complete a recce of our chosen location, compile reference images for the main buildings and landscape, design characters, provide concept imagery for the lighthouse and surrounding area, create a map and technical drawings for the main building, build a physical model of the lighthouse and portion of the landscape, and create a digital model of the same. 
All of that information then had to be compiled into a presentation booklet as a guide for a theoretical film. This is all provided below.

I was personally responsible for:

                               •  compiling and editing the presentation book
                               •  a share of the original research (as labeled)
                               •  a large amount of the recce photography
                               •  compiling a number of reference images
                               •  designs for Walter Fenwick
                               •  some of the concept imagery
                               •  render of the map
                               •  technical drawings for train tunnel, tracks, and map
                               •  layer work on the physical model
                               •  all digital modeling
Spatial Design - 3rd Year

Spatial Design - 3rd Year

Spatial design for film (world building), this entailed producing a design booklet and digital modelling.
