This was a project I made for Aaron Draplin's class "Logo Design with Draplin: Secrets of Shape, Type and Color" at Skillshare. It was a really exciting project and really fun to make, if you'd like to try a free month, you can do so here

I really love my paternal family, I’ve learned a lot of life lessons from them, so this project is also a thanks to them because I really miss them. That being said, there’s actually supposed to be a crest for the “San Miguel” last name, but I don't have access to that  information so I decided to design a crest from scratch based on the things that makes us unique as a family.

Los San Miguel

Both my grandparents came from Spain and started a new life in Venezuela, the best memories I have from them are family gatherings, so I based the design of my crest on those events.

La Colación - Christmas Nougat Distribution
After Christmas dinner we would sit around the table and my grandpa would hand out all kinds of nougat (some of them actually made by my grandpa), chocolate, marzipan and so on; we would joke, laugh and afterwards everyone would end up with a bag full of sweets. It is a tradition I remember fondly and hope I can replicate with my own family in the future.

Las Galletas de la Yaya - Grandma's Cookies
"Yaya" is a term used to call one's grandmother in some regions in Spain, in my opinion, she made the best butter cookies in the world, they just have that familiar taste, that no one in the family has been able to replicate, and they would be present in most family gatherings.

Most of my family is really good at sewing, painting, inventing, and being creative in general; so I also added the needles, because both my aunts, uncle and cousins, make a lot of stuff.


It was really challenging keeping things simple but also very fun:
Wrapped sugar cookies
French Fries - Laurel (This one has to do with the comic "Mafalda" most in my family are fans)
Thanks for watching!
Family Crest Design

Family Crest Design

This was a Skillshare project I did for Draplin's class about making a family crest, enjoy
