Universal Everything's profile

Hyundai Vision Hall

Set, Props & Costume
Vision Hall
A series of 18 large-scale video artworks
Commissioned by Euisun Chung – Vice-Chairman of Hyundai Motor Group,  Peter Schreyer – automotive designer and President of Kia Motors, and Do Ho Suh – artist, a grand collaboration to bring the future vision of Hyundai to life.

Inspired by innovation in engineering, Universal Everything created 18 site-specific works of video art for the Hyundai Vision Hall at the company’s headquarters outside Seoul, KR. To develop the subjects, materials and concepts behind the films, the team embarked on a week-long research tour of South Korea’s steel foundries, shipyards, wind tunnels, industrial design studios, crash test labs and test tracks.

The resulting films are stunning visual metaphors for the human imagination and ingenuity behind the manufacturing process. Working with one of the largest hi-resolution video displays in the world, each film is richly detailed and accompanied by 36 channel surround sound. Though the films celebrate innovation and technological progress, and are created with high-tech computer generated processes, they are grounded in tactile materials like bubbling lava and crashing waves, and imbued with a human imprint that shines through even the most abstract forms.

Creative Director: Matt Pyke
Animation Director: Chris Perry
Creative Director: Dylan Griffith
Live Action Director: Mark Cumming
CGI: RealiseAnalog
Sound Designer: Simon Pyke
Photography: Nils Clauss / Kisu Park

2012 – Hyundai Vision Hall, Mabuk, South Korea


Red Dot Design Award
D&AD – In Book
iF Communication Design Award 2014 – Winner
Hyundai Vision Hall

Project Made For

Hyundai Vision Hall

A series of 18 large-scale video artworks for Hyundai.
