Aniket Dhavtode's profile

"Chaiwala" - A Photo Story (Semifinalist - ADAA)

Chaiwala (The Tea Maker)”

This is an academic project of Digital Imaging and Photography Course taught by Dr. Deepak John Mathew in IIT Hyderabad.
This is photo story project of Chaiwala. He is from Sangareddy which is a part of the Telangana state. This story is all about a daily routine of a boy who works hard in his tea shop for survival and how he usually starts his day and get into the preparation of making tea for his customer. Sometimes, he is the reason of happiness to other and on the other hand he became repugnant by customer also he manage his study even in difficult circumstances.

From this photo story project, I learned and explored how to narrate story in photographic medium with angle of view, exposure metering and composition in outdoor shoot.

Tools: Nikon D810 – 18-55 mm lens.
Software: Adobe Photoshop.

"Chaiwala" - A Photo Story (Semifinalist - ADAA)


"Chaiwala" - A Photo Story (Semifinalist - ADAA)

This is photo story project of "Chaiwala"
