Living Memories
Mixed Media Sculpture     
Spring 2015
Art 132 Fundamentals of Design II

This piece was created for my Fundamentals of Design II class as part of a series I created focused on the theme of “Respect” and repeating the color red in each piece. This piece in the series represents the respect we must have for the past and the lessons it holds if we are willing to learn and grow from it. The acorns are meant to represent the seeds sown by the past. It poses the question that if we will be willing to plant the seed or let them die on the ground. The base of the sculpture is Styrofoam and cardboard covered with acorn nuts. The trunk and branches of the tree are made of wire framework with plaster painted with acrylic paint. The “leaves” of the tree are made of projector filmstrips retired form the Thomas Nelson Community College Library. The red fruits are glass beads and silver flower findings. The roots of the tree act as a leading line to lead the viewer up into the branches of the tree as well as into the acorns.
Living Memories


Living Memories

Mixed Media Sculpture Spring 2015 Art 132 Fundamentals of Design II This piece was created for my Fundamentals of Design II class as part of a Read More
