
Selectrum is a vitamin and supplement brand in need of a logo and packaging. The target audience are adults, children, and infants. The constrains on the design should also appeal to these people.

The brand was open to all kinds of designs. However, they required a design that would stand out; a design that would outshine its competitors when placed on a shelf among hundreds of other designs. 


I knew that in order to stand out, I had to go with an unconventional font. I found that Pacifico fits the brand's needs well.
Color Palette

In order to attract a wide range of people and to stand out simultaneously, a bright palette was required.

It was difficult to come up with vitamin and supplement brand's icon. I wanted to avoid generic designs representing health and wellness, such as a tree, people holding hands, and plain circles. I also wanted to avoid taking a pill shape as inspiration, as I understand that vitamins can also exist in other forms.

In the end, I chose a floral design, representing the sun, nature, and general well-being.

After I had all the parts combined and a logo created, I had a moment of inspiration. Instead of one logo, why not create multiple versions of it, each representing its own product line?

I imagine each of these colors to represent a unique product line. For example, yellow might be the original line of general vitamins, blue might be vitamins for children, and green for adults.

Another reason for this differentiation is that different colors appeal to different age groups. Blue might be attractive to the young, and older folks would appreciate green, a more neutral color.


I also designed a few concepts for their box and bottle packaging. Each of them was based on the color system I established.

Note: the text on the packaging was meant as placeholders, where more meaningful content can be added later.

Thank you.

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Logo and packaging design for vitamin and supplement brand Selectrum.
