HACKED - zine booklet
This zine is a 36 page printed booklet that I designed. It discusses topics relating to the issues of cybersecurity and computer hacking. My concept for this booklet was to make it very gritty and dark, in contrast to designs promoting technology which are typically very clean and light. To add the gritty feel I added multiple  handmade textures and used transfer markers on all of the headlines for the spreads, and various images. For my image selection I was very adamant on avoiding cliche images and prototypes associated with computer hacking. Such as a man in a hoodie sitting down in front of a white screen wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, because computer hackers aren't these super villain-esque nerds that sit in their parent's basements maliciously sending spam mail. Rather I chose imagery that I felt related more to the internals of computers and computing. The images are mostly sourced from the New York Public Library Image Collection.
front cover of zine


Editorial Zine about the dangers and origins of computer hacking.
