Digital / 2017
Imagen que formará parte del 2º Anuario de la Asociación Mexicana de Ilustración (AMDI) "Variaciones sobre un muro de papel". 

Los muros no son únicamente físicos sino morales y psicológicos, los que dividen, lastiman, cazan, bloquean y convierten a todos los seres humanos en objetos de un juego mezquino donde los ignorantes gobiernan. Seamos empáticos y respetemos nuestra vida y la de los demás.
Walls are not only physical but moral and psychological; they divide, harm, hunt, block and transform everybody in subjects of a destructive game where ignorant people rule. We have to try to be empathic to each other in order to respect our life.
1. She's so fat! The lady with pink blouse looks like a whale...
2. What a lazy woman... She better be at home!
3. The guy with the cap seems to be a pervert...
4. It can't stand he's taking care of his daughter... He's such a sissy!
5. The guy behind me must be a crook so I have to take care of my purse...
6. I bet the old man is a hindrance person
7. The girl with square blouse it's pretty but I bet she's a maneater
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Walls are not only physical but moral and psychological; they divide, harm, hunt, block and transform everybody in subjects of a destructive game Read More
