ZI XU │ 字 緒

Exhibition & Signage






字緒書法展 │ ZI,XU calligraphy exhibition


" 想法經由文字傳達,情緒則是透過筆劃留存 "

"The thought was delivered by the words, and the emotion of the writer was kept into the Chinese calligraphy strokes. "
To see this Chinese calligraphy work, you can deeply feel the emotion hiding in the strokes. Sometimes unrestrained, sometimes regular. It was sprayed with the meticulous atmosphere.These Chinese calligraphy works were exhibited in Carton king in Taiwan, involved the emotion between Chinese calligraphy and paper. The image of the torn paper echoes the dry-brush calligraphy technique

公司│ 紙箱王
統籌 │ 陳  巧羚
視覺 │ 黃  柏熹
影片 │ 左  可維
佈展 │ 金唐紙業 開發部 、張  菁文 

ZI XU │ 字 緒

ZI XU │ 字 緒

" 想法經由文字傳達,情緒則是透過筆劃留存 "       用視覺感受筆者當下的情感,洞察筆畫之間蘊藏的一絲情緒,時而奔放,時而端正,紙上毛細間擴散出細膩的氛圍。  展覽在紙箱王展出,承載情緒為書法與紙的共同理念。舉凡,撕紙的感覺呼應毛筆乾擦做為海報設計的主軸。 "The thought Read More
