Urban Park
1.7 km
An existing park occupies a 1.7km void in west Taipei. Created when the MRT system was built, the park runs parallel with MRT line and metro mall beneath it. Since its creation, several vibrant communities have grown along its length, yet being a traditional ‘park’, it plays no part in the happenings of the city around it. What if this 1.7km void could respond to and interact with its adjoining communities, manifesting itself as public plaza--1,700 meters in length.
for Gallery View, expand image
Satellite Image  |  north is to the right
Animation  |  development of the site
Context Study  |  1.7km elevation, focusing on how users altered the original buidings over time
Context Study  |  alteration of buildings by inhabitants
Master Plan  |  responsive grid
Plan  |  near MOCA, Taipei
Oblique  |  near MOCA
Catalog  |  forms
Catalog  |  urban strategies
Linear Park

Linear Park

Taipei, Taiwan
