Mark Paulley's profile

Refined Surfboards

The Brief: How do we make surfing more environmentally sustainable.

The Product: Refined is a surfboard company that creates environmentally friendly surfboards. After considerable experiments with various ideas we eventually came to the conclusion that we wanted to create a 100% biodegradable surf board using environmentally friendly manufacturing techniques.
The boards are constructed using seaweed, bamboo fabric, and compostable resin. This makes them 100% biodegradable as well as being human and earth friendly. They contain only natural ingredients and no chemicals. They are named after beaches that mean something to us and emphasise a Cornish love of surfing.
A secondary product is an environmentally friendly wax that contains spores belonging to seaweeds and other sea living plants. This is intended to help with the regrowth of reefs and sea beds which in turn creates a healthier ocean and better waves to surf on.
A website to go along with the brand.
An advertisement concept to hit home the environmental impact that the creation of regular surfboards have compared to Refined boards.
We felt that a good way to extend the brand is to create awareness through personal experience so we created 'The Shop' and 'The Hub'.

The shop (below top) is situated within a shipping container allowing for optimum mobility. This means it can follow tours and competitions as well as allowing customers the ease of purchasing boards on home turf. 

The hub (below bottom), is an environment in which customers can come and learn about boards and potentially create them. The idea is to have it situated next to the ocean and have a private seaweed farm. We want to give our customers a real hands on experience and allow them to understand the impact that is happening and what they are doing to rectify.
Refined Surfboards

Refined Surfboards

A surf company to save the environment.
