Chase McQuown's profile

60's psychedelic posters

PURPOSE: The purpose of this project was to create two posters which would capture the feel of the 60's through use of color, shape, and type. To do so effectively, we had to make sure we chose and stuck with the right color schemes as well as try to bring somewhat of a hand drawn feel and appearance to our artwork. 

INSPIRATION: Here is the link to my Pinterest board where I got ideas for use of color and shape from. 

PROCESS: The two programs I used to make the posters seen above were Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. The tools I used within Illustrator were the pen tool, direct selection tool, various shape tools, image trace, type, and I even played around with gaussian blur and transparency settings. In Photoshop, I used the camera raw filter to give my posters more vibrancy. 

COLOR SCHEME: Since I enjoyed looking at the colors from my previous projects, the Swiss style poster designs, I decided to use those colors once again to aid me in my psychedelic posters. I will add a link to the two different color schemes I used here.  

TITLE FONT NAME AND CATEGORY: I used Hobo std Medium, which is a sans serif font, and used the direct selection tool to quickly give my type a fatter and more psychedelic look to it. I used this font in both of my designs simply because it was easy to manipulate and distort. 

60's psychedelic posters

60's psychedelic posters
