Anna Luckmann's profile

Nordic seaweed / Nordisk Tang – Identity & packaging


Seaweed is a healthy source of food with a unique taste. Furthermore, it is one of the most sustainable ingredients we have. It is commonly known that we ate seaweed in the old days, all the way back to prehistoric times. However, along with the development of modern agriculture, the usage of seaweed as a source of nutritions was forgotten and seaweed was left with a reputation as "poor mans food”. In Denmark we have this unexploited natural food ressource all along the costline surrounding our small country. To get the seaweed back on the dining tables, requires a change of mind and habits among the consumers. 

This is also the reason that the company Nordisk Tang, uses seaweed in all of their products. The seaweed not suitable for food, they use as fertiliser in order to get phosphor and nitrogen back into the cultivated soil. This sustainable circle is completed by having the first economically sustainable seaweed company in Denmark, producing high-end gourmet products. 

The result became an identity which is characterised by nordic minimalism with a touch of rawness. This is visible in the raw looking paper and packaging, which does not conceal the products, rather it proudly shows the content. In order to honour the history of Nordisk Tang, each label contains a signature from one of the founders of the company. This adds to the feeling that the product and packaging is unique and hand made. 
Thank you very much for watching :-) 
Nordic seaweed / Nordisk Tang – Identity & packaging

Nordic seaweed / Nordisk Tang – Identity & packaging

An identity for "Nordisk tang", which is characterised by nordic minimalism and with a touch of rawness.
