_ Photographic magazine: discovery of atypical profiles.

We all have in our entourage, people who inspire us and whom we admire for their human wealth.
Atypique magazine highlights atypical profiles with photography and texts, through which we discover someone's environment and personnality. We do not see the appearance of the person until the very end of the magazine.
The magazine also has a website with a more condensed digital version of the atypical profile, based this time on sounds with recordings of the person's voice and songs.
The website offers the possibility to discover all previous issues.

The Atypique concept was created by us for this project.

In this issue, we propose an intimate encounter with Jonas Wauthy through his environment, at his home then his work studio, two environments that say a lot about him.
1: Magazine
2: Website
Project for Penninghen, 2016
Work in collaboration with Pamani Missotte

Thanks to Jonas Wauthy for his collaboration by letting us take pictures of his environment
and for answering our questions.



Photographic magazine: discovery of atypical profiles.
