Andrew Furedy's profile

Canada's Top Turbine Territories

This poster was created for my Information Design class at the University of Lethbridge. We visited a nearby wind farm out side of the city and received an abundant amount of information and the energy these machines produce. I compared the top two largest wind farms in Canada to find out the difference between the them.
This infographic about Canada's top two wind farms was inspired after a class trip to a wind farm in Fort Macleod, Alberta. This was created for a data visualization class through the University of Lethbridge. After learning about the turbines there and the energy created by them, I researched more information about industry which lead me question where were Canada's largest wind farms. This lead to more questions such as how many home would be powered? How many jobs were created? How much did it cost? How many turbines are there and how much energy can it create? What kind of turbines are they? 
Programs Used:
Adobe Illustrator
Canada's Top Turbine Territories

Canada's Top Turbine Territories

This infographic displays Canada's two largest wind farms and compares how much energy is exported, how many jobs were created, the overall cost Read More
