First Digital Illustration done in 1994
This Mickey was drawn and inked by Kim Raymond and was initially to be Airbrushed in the traditional way of cutting masks with Frisk and airbrushing individual areas in gouache. I scanned it in and tried to do the job on the new mac we had just acquired. Photoshop at that time had no layers and was very basic and slow compared to now and I think it would have looked better done traditionally, however it was apparent that this was the way things were going. The problem then was to get it to Paul Windle Design as it was too big for the optical drive we had then. A external hard drive had to be brought to put the file on.
 ...and a few years later
Different Styles 
Ultramarine prides itself in producing a vast amount of different styles whether matching a previously 
assigned style to creating new ideas. All meticulously produced but in a timeframe that is unmatched.


Various work over the Years
