Entropy is described as the relationship between order and disorder within a system. 
This concept was the inspiration for the Entropic Series, a personal project where I set out to explore emergent sense of order and beauty in the chaos of generative algorithms and procedural design methods. 

I felt that simply developing these methods without any context would result in creations with little to no use to myself of anyone else for that matter. For this reason I chose to explore these ideas through the lens of interior design, both as a way to become more familiar with this area of design and those around me who live and breathe it daily, and also to design things that I hope to one day bring into the physical space around me.
Hokusai 2017
The nest images were created using a method of infinite variability, meaning the process allowed for me to export any number of tiles with each being completely unique. additionally I cant 
Multiset 2017
Vase & sculpture 2017
Bowl & Mug 2019
The tile multiset was build in Houdini, the sculptural & kitchen elements where modelled and textured in Cinema 4D. Octane was used to render all final images.
Entropic Series

Entropic Series

technical exploration of generative systems inside Houdini. creating procedural systems that use organic-like algorithms to design a series of ti Read More
